Please help SUPPORT our community-based nutrition program today!
Our MISSION is to deliver hot, nutritious and affordable meals to clients in their homes.

Our MISSION is to deliver hot, nutritious and affordable meals to clients in their homes.
Morgantown Area Meals on Wheels is celebrating 45 years of our Service of Love.
Morgantown Area Meals on Wheels does not receive any funds from either State or Federal government agencies. We are registered with the West Virginia Secretary of State as a tax-exempt, non-profit service organization.
Our support comes from organizations and individuals that believe people, families and our communities benefit more when individuals live in a familiar home environment with or near family members. All meals prepared are subsidized by a minimum of $6.00 per meal and 40% are subsidized up to $10.00 per meal.

Please consider making a bequest, memorial gift or a tax-deductible donation today!